Mama Knows Beauty Business

Kirsten Goetzelman shares how trying something new, while on her journey in the beauty industry, lead her to her passion.

Deana Uson/ Kirsten Goetzelman Season 1 Episode 31

Oftentimes when we enter the beauty industry we think we know exactly what we want to do.  Other times that "thing"  that we thought we wanted to do is not as fulfilling as we envisioned.  But as fate would have it,  in the middle of your adventure you try something new and that leads you to your passion.  This is exactly what happened to my guest Kirsten Goetzelman aka Tampa Waxer.

In this episode she shares her story of starting out on her esthetics journey and how being asked to try waxing changed her path in the beauty industry.  Not only did her path change directions, she has evolved as woman, as a mom and as a waxer and couldn't be happier.

Kirsten shares how discovering her passion  in waxing has allowed to her grow even more, allowing her to share this passion with other women and how she integrates all of it into her motherhood journey.

Get ready to laugh & learn. 

Lets Connect :

The Waxing Guide