Mama Knows Beauty Business
Mama Knows Beauty Business
Overcoming imposter syndrome and dealing with mom shaming in the beauty industry with Bri Calaway.
Hey Mama, Do you struggle with imposter syndrome since creating your business?
If so, you're not alone! My guest Bri Calaway, mom to a sweet little girl and creator of B.Lashed shares how she is affected by imposter syndrome. After starting her false lash brand, thoughts of inadequacy or not being competent creeped in but she quickly realized that this was completely inaccurate!! She shares how she deals with the thoughts if they come back up and how to find confidence in what you do.
During our chat we briefly touched on mom guilt and dove deep into mom shaming. Sadly, as moms we deal with mom shaming in various facets. Bri discusses how she was mom shamed, how it affected her and how as a woman owning a lash brand she feels that we should all celebrate what ever makes us feel beautiful!
Get ready for a lot of real and raw talk!
Let's Chat!
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